About Me


Howdy, I'm Jack. Click my items to dress me up! I'm a scruffy, no-good Canadian who draws comics every waking hour of every day. I live with my beloved Umbrulla and our hyperactive mutt, Sir (short for Cerberus). For the last decade I have been shackled to my self-indulgent webcomic Bicycle Boy, which updates every Friday.

One day, my baby hands grabbed a crayon. Then it was all over. Much to everyone's disappointment, the demons compel me to draw weird comic books instead of anything that makes money. I love to make art about body horror, sad men, fisticuffs, cybernetics, abandoned buildings, worn out materials, relationship troubles, mandalas, and monsters.

Back in ye olden days of piczo and neopets I played with rudimentary web design. I slapped midis and anime jpegs all over that shit and had no idea what the hell I was doing. Not much has changed! This website is always going to be a work in progress. ;)

Please enjoy my half-realized website. If you look at my code oh my god I'm so sorry.

KNOWN AS: Jacky, AJ, honey, goodie two shoes, evil, ruggit Canadian chill dude, poorly dressed, gremlin, and most lovingly: YOU LIL FUCKER
LIKES TO: draw, play ukulele, sing stupid indie rock songs, hike, ride my bicycle, pet dogs (any dog, all are wonderful), do chinups, read weird & avante garde comic books, collect shitty fictional characters to gawk at, drink coffee
FAVOURITE ANIMALS: dogs, deer, quail, crows, pigeons, rolly polly bugs, cellar spiders
MUSIC: System of a Down, Gorillaz, Sevendust, Chevelle, Bernard Adamus, Soundgarden, Sevdaliza, Susumu Hirasawa, Elsiane, Mes Aïeux, Woodkid, Puddle of Mudd, Half Moon Run, Tom Waits, Three Days Grace, Snowmine, Lady Gaga, Midlake, London Grammar, A Perfect Circle, Ian Van Dahl, Pendulum, Staind, Breaking Benjamin, Total Isolation, Seether, The Mills Brothers, Okoumé, Caravan Palace, Leprous, The Dear Hunter, PearlJam, Linkin Park, TOOL, Five Finger Death Punch, Carpenter Brut, Infected Mushroom, Beck, The Tragically Hip, Gregory Alan Isakov, Sza, Billy Talent, Low Roar, The Warning
GAMES: Jak and Daxter, Spyro the Dragon [ps1], Age of Empires II, Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of the Colossus, Crash Team Racing, Midnight Club 2: DUB Edition REMIX, Distance, DDR, Risk of Rain 2, Katana ZERO, Hyper Light Drifter, OFF, Yume Nikki

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