God I love webcomics

Howdy! Welcome to my webcomic review blog. I'm a comic freak who fucking loves webcomics; for they are a vast, strange, beautiful medium with no barriers to entry. I must yell about them. Read my reccs, or recc me something if you want. Maybe you will find a new comic to enjoy.

Please check out the Archive section to start reading.

Site Updates

Latest Blog Post: Added June 15, 2024

June 15, 2024
New webcomic review for O Sarilho. Otherwise, not much. I've got some ideas. Thinking of adding a central place off socmed to announce new projects...

February 9, 2024
Updated the links page. Made some banners.

January 23, 2024
Bolstered the art gallery with new images.

January 22, 2024
There hasn't been much time for coding lately, but today was a welcome code dive. Mostly reworked the about me page. It now features a rudimentary dress up game.

November 23, 2023
Put together something of an art gallery on the portfolio page.

June 10, 2023
Still working on ~secrets~. My eyes hurt. You gotta check out the Obscure Webcomic Tournament going on right now on tumblr if you haven't already, it's got an absolute motherlode of avant-garde webcomic reccommendations. :D

June 4, 2023
No updates except wow! 11,000 pageviews! :O Thank you~

June 2, 2023
Gave the blog posts a little more visual flair. :3 I want to make up a little mascot of some sort for the blog, too, but got no ideas yet.

May 10, 2023
Started working on some ~secrets~! Which, eh, mostly involved spending 3 hours learning how to animate text. OTL

March 7, 2023
Added a stat counter, more goodies to the links pages [x] [x], and fiddled with nav buttons.

March 3, 2023
I designed a couple of favicons! :D Also fleshed out the blog links page and fiddled with the about. I now have the power to change the hue of images with CSS...who knew?

February 7, 2023
Put together the art gallery. Tables are so wonderful and easy to use. And yet here I am making myself learn how to build responsive layouts for the rest of the site. This place may be doomed to be forever mismatched.

February 1, 2023
Built the site. Kind of. There is so much to learn!

With love,
